Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Bible for Cosmetic Junkies!!

Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me
by Paula Begoun


So I have been wanting to purchase this book for awhile now but the $30 dollar price tag kinda put me off but I wish I hadn't waited for Borders going out of business sale to swoop this puppy up because this book is amazing!It would be helpful to any women interested in what the heck they are putting on their face and if it is worth the $$$ ( I feel like everyone should be interested in these things lol but yeah that's just me ).  Paula the author or the "cosmetic cop" as she calls herself reviews pretty much every beauty product on the market and reviews in a easy to understand and brief explanation of what is in each product, if its helping or hurting you and if its worth the money! This book would be a serious must buy for anyone with sensitive skin or allergies because she covers all that kind of stuff. This book is huge too at almost 2000 pages. I am not buying anything again without first consulting my beauty bible! 
  • How to get the best products without wasting money.
  • How to avoid ingredients that harm skin, including natural ingredients.
  • Which products can really fight wrinkles and make skin look younger.
  • Which products clear up acne and which ones make acne worse.
  • Shocking insights and insider revelations that debunk the beauty myths pervading the cosmetic industry!

Here is an example from a Bobbie Brown product: 

  • Extra Moisture Balm ($85 for 1.7 ounces) This ends up being a very expensive way to supply skin with Vaseline and silicone, the main ingredients (next to water) in this rich balm. The antioxidant plant oils are rendered ineffective by this products jar packaging. And the geranium oil, while smelling nice, can cause skin irritation. Choosing plain old Vaseline not only cost considerably less but spares your skin an irritant response. 

Amazing huh?! So I would defiantly recommend this book and I will most likely be quoting it in my future reviews!! Thanks for reading!! xoxo


  1. do any products stand out as better than others? or does she have equal pros and cons for all products?

  2. this is kinda silly but it is actually really helpful but she has them all on a smiley face rating system. :( being the worst products that you should not waste time or money on :/ being products that are "ok" and could possibly work great for some but not for others :) being the best products that work great and are also good for your skin. This system is easy to see when you are skimming through the book. She also puts a check mark by her super favorite products and also at the back of the book she has a list of the best of the best!
